Mug of chocolate perfection

We love Douwe Egberts Cappuccino Chocolate!

Our method for making a mug of perfection is;

  • 4 tsp Douwe Egberts Cappuccino Chocolate added to a medium milk jug,
  • Add milk to just under the spout of the milk jug,
  • Begin to froth using the milk steamer of your coffee machine.
  • Top with a sprinkle of chocolate over the top to sweeten the deal!

Tip: Position the steam wand closer to the top of the milk to stretch the milk and make it more frothy. Lower the wand into the milk to warm it up effectively.

Perfect Chai Latte, Every Time.

We believe that Arkadia Chai Tea Latte is best enjoyed warm as a nice relaxing beverage in the home, or even the office.

Our method for making a mug of perfection is;

  • 1 tbs Arkadia Chai, added to a medium milk jug,
  • Add milk to just under the spout of the milk jug,
  • Begin to froth using the milk steamer of your coffee machine.

Tip: Position the steam wand closer to the top of the milk to stretch the milk and make it more frothy. Lower the wand into the milk to warm it up effectively.




DIY Cold Brew Iced Coffee

Love coffee but find it doesn’t hit the spot on a warm summers day? How about cold brew or iced coffee? we’re sure it’ll perk you up.

Iced Coffee is not simply hot coffee poured over ice – not only will this dilute your coffee, it will also taste bitter – yuk! Cold brewing your coffee lessens the acidity than hot brewed coffee, and also makes for a more aromatic, complex flavour – win, win.

Cold Brewing is super easy, all your really need is time. This easy at home recipe basically requires a mason jar and some sort of filter – nothing fancy.



1/3 cup medium-coarse ground coffee

1 1/2 cups of cold filtered water

Optional: Coffee ice cubes

Optional: Milk



  1. Starting with coffee beans? Grind them up on a medium-coarse setting.
    • Grinding coffee beans yourself ensures the freshest taste, and your coffee will last longer and your only grinding what you need. 
    • A coarser grind ensure less bitterness through the filtration process. 
  2. In your mason jar, whisk together 1/3 cup ground coffee and 1 1/3 cups cold water, until the lumps are gone.
  3. Put the lid on your mason jar, and refrigerate overnight (12-14 hours)
  4. Strain the coffee through a large paper coffee filter, fine sieve, stockings or or strainer lined with cheesecloth.

You’re done!

Feel free to add milk, coffee ice cubs, or if you’re feeling a little fancy; 1 scoop of vanilla ice-cream, then garnish with chocolate shavings.


We used;


Evoke Ricco Coffee Beans 


Macap M2 Manual Doser Grinder



Great Coffee Made Easy.. For the Non-Barista

As we all know, the best coffee is made by expert baristas, they control every aspect of each cup; the water, freshness of the coffee beans, grams of ground coffee, and the list goes on.

Unfortunately we can’t all have this skill and dedication in the space of our own homes. That’s where a fully automatic machine comes into play; these machines do everything for you, from fresh coffee beans and fresh milk to a fully brewed coffee in your favourite mug.


If you don’t have an espresso machine or you’ve never been shown how to create a great coffee through an espresso machine, a fully-auto machine may be the way for you at home, or in the workplace. We love the Saeco Aulika Focus, as you’re able to enjoy fresh whole bean coffee as the machine has a built in grinder, meaning you can steer clear of supermarket coffee and enjoy fresh café quality coffee beans that will stay fresher for longer as they are not pre-ground, and the taste…  well, that’s just something you need to experience! The Aulika provides high quality, consistent coffee, quickly, which is something we all need in life.

The Aulika Focus also includes a steam wand (just in case you want a hot chocolate with perfect frothed milk), and hot water dispenser for those who can also appreciate tea. Lastly, they are made with ease of cleaning in mind, and are highly durable – these machines are designed to pump out 40+ coffees daily.



  • 350 gr coffee beans
  • 2,2 l water
  • 18 coffee grounds
  • 1 l drip tray
  • One-Touch cappuccino
  • 2 coffee cups simultaneously
  • Hot water / steam wand
  • Double pump, double boiler
  • Cup warmer
  • Pre-ground coffee option
  • Steel conical bladescoffee2yourdoorlogo

6 Reasons your Coffee Tastes Bitter

Brewing coffee is quite a skillful task, a science, where practice makes perfect. There are a lot of contributing factors to a good cup of coffee, and today we bring you six reason why your coffee tastes butter, and how to fix them, enjoy.


1. Your’re using poor quality coffee

We hate to admit this, but not all coffee is created equal, some is simply better than others. We suggest steering clear of supermarket coffee and try fresh quality cafe coffee.


2. You’re using the wrong grind size

The grind of your coffee beans changes how the flavour particles dissolve – if it is too course you risk under-extraction, and sour coffee. Too fine you risk over-extracted, bitter coffee. You’ll need to experiment to get the perfect ground for your coffee beans.


3. Your water quality is poor

The taste of your coffee greatly differs depending on the quality of water you’re using in your home. Hard water or bad quality water will greatly differ the taste of you coffee. Instead of using water from your tap, we suggest purchasing a Brita water filter.


4. Your water temperature isn’t right

Coffee temperature needs to be just right to ensure the perfect cup, you’ll notice good cafes never serve scalding hot coffee – If your water is too hot you’ll extract the bitter compounds, alike if you burn toast it has an ashy aftertaste. To avoid burning your beans aim for a water temperature between 92 – 96 degrees Celsius. The use of a thermometer may also help control temperature.


5. Your extracting for too long

Extraction is the process of pulling the flavour out of the coffee, over-extraction is when you ‘express’ too much water through your coffee grounds – this is the most common reason for bitter coffee. Try adjust between longer and shorter times to find the right time for your taste. Remember, once you have extracted your shot of coffee, you should stop allowing your coffee machine to pass more water through the spent beans as after one shot the following water draws bitter compounds.


6. Your equipment isn’t clean

Surprisingly the coffee machines often gets missed in our daily cleaning routines. Old coffee residue from the last time you made coffee is lurking in there and can definitely affect the flavour of future cups. We recommend you flush your coffee machine daily with an espresso cleaner 



Steve Davis, 2011. The Spirit of Espresso. (Online) Available at (Accessed 27 June 2016)

Anna Brones, 2014. The Kitchn. (Online) Available at (Accessed 27 June 2016).

Jake, 2015. Fellow.  (Online) Avaliable at (Accessed 27 June 2016).

UTZ Certified, What’s the Fuss?

UTZ-logoYou may have seen the UTZ Certified symbol on the packaging of you fresh Coffee beans, Cocoa, and Tea more and more over the past decade.  Before you run off and check items in your pantry for this little red symbol, you might want to know whats behind it.

UTZ means “good” in Mayan, and that is exactly what the UTZ Certification ensures – good coffee from seed to cup. The UTZ program is more than just growing sustainable coffee; it is a program that has environmental, social and economic impact.


Through the UTZ program farmers;

  • Grow better crops through introducing good agricultural practices and management.
  • Attain a better income by incorporating safe and healthy working conditions including gender equality.
  • Introduce better care for next generations through abolishing child labour.
  • Contribute to a better environment by safeguarding the world resources both now and in the future, through better growth and manufacturing processes, including no deforestation, protection of endangered species and waste management, in turn providing a better life for all.

It is clear that the UTZ Certification contributes to better farming, and a better future for all of us. Obtaining UTZ Certification does not come easy, farmers must comply with the code of conduct yearly through demonstrating the above. 

UTZ is the largest program for sustainable coffee and cocoa in the world, with almost 50% of all certified sustainable coffee now UTZ.


Why Support UTZ Certified Products?

Coffee is produced in over 50 countries with over 25 million people dependent on the coffee industry worldwide, and the certification systems such as UTZ, Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance share the common goal of transforming the world’s production systems and value chains to make them more sustainable. In independent studies it is proven that UTZ Certified cocoa, coffee and tea farms generate higher yields and better quality crops than conventional farms, and being trained in the UTZ Code of Conduct helps farmers to improve their knowledge and adopt sustainable farming

UTZ Certified and Fairtrade products available at




Spent Coffee Grounds: Trash to Treasure

Nothing goes down as good as a morning coffee; the caffeine hit, the eye-opener from a late night, for whatever reason you enjoy your coffee, know that those spend grounds you’re throwing out can be put to great uses, from benefiting yourself to benefitting the environment. Speculations about how great fresh coffee is for your body have just lengthened!

How to get the most out of your spent coffee beans;

Your Body
   Body Scrub
Coffee grounds are abrasive for quality cleaning and exfoliation, however mild enough to not damage skin. Good for blood circulation and fat metabolism, the grounds will also fight cellulite. Mix a handful of coffee ground with olive oil or coconut oil for a scrumptious body scrub, leave for 10mins, and shower as normal.

   Face Wash
Struggling to find a scrub without chemicals? Coffee grounds are the answer; mix in some coffee ground with your facewash and massage as normal. The caffeine will overthrow those dark eye circles.

   Hand Wash
Often cook with garlic, onion or fish and have the odour left behind on your hands? Scrub with coffee grounds and smell the difference.

In The House
Being absorbent, coffee grounds make a great deodoriser for your home or fridge; place a few spoonful’s in a bowl to keep your fridge and/or freezer fresh.

   Cleaning your dishes
As an absorber, coffee grounds will help remove grease and food stuck on pots and pans. Add a teaspoon to your frypan before washing to absorb grease and oils.

   DIY candle
I know you have a heap of candles that have almost no wax left. Why not melt them down and add some coffee grounds for a great aroma in the home?

Coffee ground provides nitrogen needed for healthy soil; add some more green and brown matter for a healthy compost heap.

Starting a garden? Coffee is great for fertilizing your garden as it is nitrogen-rich. In addition they also repel pests being a chemical free pesticide = win-win!

Who knew there were so many possibilities to spent coffee grounds! Now where’s that coffee so I can begin trying some of these ways to recycle my coffee grounds?



Can Coffee consumption really reduce Type II Diabetes risk?

A healthy diet, low sugar and refined carbs has been proved the most effective measure to treat and/or reduce type 2 diabetes risk, however most research shows Coffee consumption may prevent, treat and even reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes.

With a flood of studies exploring the link between coffee consumption and type 2 diabetes risk, and in light of National Diabetes Day celebrated on November 14th (Aus) we’re bringing you the facts;

Long-term research has found that;

  • Coffee drinkers have lower sugar and insulin levels
  • Long-term coffee drinkers are 23% – 54% less likely to develop diabetes, compared to non-coffee drinkers, lifestyle factors included.
  • For each daily cup of coffee consumed, type 2 diabetes risk decreased by 9%, and 6% with Decaf.
  • People who increased their consumption by one cup saw an 11% decrease in risk, but those who decreased consumption by one cup saw a 17% increase in risk.
  • Coffee consumption does not increase type 2 diabetes risks, or even the risk of obesity in the staunchest of coffee drinkers.

You would agree that these are remarkable findings, the reasoning;

  • The reason coffee drinkers are less likely to develop diabetes is because coffee has an inflammation lowering-effect on the body; higher coffee consumption is connected to lower amyloid levels (inflammation marker in blood).
  •  Coffee has more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables combined, making it one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. 
  • The caffeine in coffee makes in a natural fat-burner, a natural resources proven for fat loss (that’s why almost every commercial fat burner includes it!). Although effects may diminish over time with long-term coffee drinkers, caffeine burns fat up to 10% in obese people and 29% in leaner people.

The Bottom Line

  • Regular coffee is better than Decaf
  • Learn to drink it black to experience the full benefits and antioxidants.



Unbelievable Benefits of Drinking Coffee!

Coffee consumption goes back century’s, nowadays over 400 billion cups are consumed every year; making it one of the world’s most popular drinks, so what makes coffee so special, and is it healthy?
Here we have put together a guide to coffee drinking to reap the benefits of this extraordinary beverage.

Coffee beans contain a natural blend of antioxidants, bioflavonoids, vitamins and minerals that provide impressive benefits when consumed in moderation (both caffeinated and decaffeinated), has been linked to perking you up through lowering risk of depression as well as many benefits including;

Heart Healthy
1-3 cups per day significantly lowers risk of coronary heart disease in women and is inversely associated with lowering risk of type two diabetes; a cardiovascular disease risk factor.

2-5 cups per day is associated with lower risk of stroke then non coffee drinkers through suppressing inflammation effects on arteries.

Some studies show coffee includes compounds that widen blood vessels therefore lowering blood pressure. In addition moderate coffee drinkers we less likely to be hospitalized for heart rhythm problems, and drinking coffee may increase blood flow to small blood vessels taking strain off your heart by 30%!

Cut risk of Diabetes 
4 – 5 cups per day is associated with lowered risk of developing type 2 diabetes as its antioxidants boost cells’ sensitivity to insulin which helps regular blood sugar.

Ditch the morning donut or sugar in your morning beverage as excess sugar may cancel out benefits!

Liver Health

2 cups per day is associated with a 43% reduced risk of liver cancer, 3 cups per day reduced liver cancer risks by 50%. It has been proved in many studies that coffee protects against cirrhosis with an emphasis on alcoholic cirrhosis, as well as slowing down the progression of liver disease to cirrhosis.

Lowering Cancer risk

1 cup per day is associated with a 3% reduced risk of cancers; bladder, breast, buccal, pharyngeal, colorectal, endometrial, oesophageal, leukemic, pancreatic and prostate cancers.

Live Longer
A regular coffee doesn’t just reap these individual health benefits; science has shown a regular dose of coffee will help you live longer!

1 – 5 cups per day may help reduce risks of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease through antioxidants preventing some brain cell damage through activating brain stem cells to convert to new neurons thus improving brain health.

1-3 cups per day significantly lowers risk of coronary heart disease in women and is inversely associated with lowering risk of type two diabetes; a cardiovascular disease risk factor.

The most significant fact of all is 2-3 cups per day of a typical medium roast bean is higher in many antioxidants than green or black tea, and has LESS caffeine than white tea! So don’t feel guilty when you’re doing your 10am coffee run, instead, enjoy the benefits.
